How To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily Broken - Health Tips

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily Broken

How To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily BrokenHow To Care For Beautiful Nails And Not Easily Broken - This article I will share information about how to care for your nails so pretty fragile and not easy, because most types of nails, many more who have brittle nails that break easily and fast. Want nails always look beautiful and attractive? Let's see more in the following manner nails.

GarlicIf the friend has a kind of brittle nails, preferably friends can try to lubricate the nails friend with garlic, then wipe it with a warm towel. Garlic can be useful to make your nails stronger and not easily broken.
Olive OilKutila want to have a healthy, soft and bright, with a friend can try Vitamin E liquid mixing in 1 teaspoon olive oil. Then apply on the nails companions. Should do it regularly to get beautiful and healthy nails naturally.
LemonLemon juice is very beneficial to make nails become dull and unhealthy. The trick is also very easy, simply by soaking the nails in warm water mixed with lemon juice for a few minutes. After that, dry the nails by using a towel or handkerchief. You should do on a regular basis in order to nail friend become more healthy and shiny.
LemonIf friends have a problem with yellow nails, preferably friends can try to use a lemon to overcome. You do this by mixing 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to toothpaste, mix well and apply on nails companions. Let stand for a few minutes to dry, then rinse with warm water. You should do it once a week until the nail color and bright back to normal.
StarfruitStarfruit can be useful to clean the dirt on the sidelines of the nail and can make your nails strong and not easily broken. You do this simply by rubbing the nails starfruit want to clean , then rinse with clean water. Do it for 1 week 2 times to get a clean and strong nails.
That's some way that gorgeous nails and not easily broken, hopefully this article can help in treating nail friend. Say goodbye to brittle nails :)

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  1. Replies
    1. harus itu biar kukunya ga mudah patah ya gan :D

  2. garlic turns can to strengthen nails, I just know, I think just for the garlic seasoning alone, ok well thanks for the info on this one....

    1. selalu azh...kalau kang Dede yang duluan nongol, mesti sama dengan apa yang pengen saya tulis....jadinya ya....ikutan kang Dede azh deh....;o)

  3. ternyata bawang putih bisa untuk menguatkan kuku,saya baru tahu ,saya pikir bawang putih hanya untuk bumbu masakan saja,ok terimakasih yah untuk info yang satu ini

    1. bener, saya juga baru tau kang setelah browsing :)

  4. tips buat cewek nih. soalnya saya nggak begitu peduli sama kuku :)

  5. itu bukan gambar saya mas :D saya mah males ngerawat kuku :D

  6. Bikin kuku bagus itu susah juga ya ternyata,tapi kebanyakan kaum hawa sih yang senang merawat kuku ya :D

  7. wahh bisa di terapin artikelnya , kebetulan sy punya minyak zaitun nih .

  8. Nice tips.. Thank you..
    But by the way i don't care about all that...
    Hehee because of lazy

  9. kalau saya sih nggak pernah ngerawat kuku mbak, kalau udah panjang langsung saya potong hehe...

  10. every thursday must have cleaned :D, ijin follow gan n ane tunggu folbek n kunbalny :D

  11. wah artikelnya bagus sekali.... ^_^ (pdhl dlm hati bilang, artikel apa sih, g ngerti artiny....hmmm. -_- )

  12. thanks sobat info about taking care of my nails so tolerable to know ya love the info to my girlfriends are tips for caring for nails :)

  13. nice tips. jadi nambah ilmu sedikit - sedikit :)

  14. kuku saya malah saya potongi biar pendek dan rapi

  15. Nice info and good artickel..
    Thanks for share it.

  16. saya tidak begitu paham berbahasa inggris tapi ini membahas masalah perawatan kuku kan..
