chocolate |
This study was conducted to see the consumption of men and women of middle age for eight years. This study compared the stamps that eating chocolate most and the least. The difference between the two groups is only 6 grams per day , equal to one small square-shaped pieces in one day.
Brian Buijsse, from the German Institute of Human Nutritio, Nuthetal stated that "in the beginning we had hypothesized that ekanan koklat have an effect on the blood, so that chocolate consumption can lower the risk of stroke and heart attack."
In the study it was found that people who eat more chocolate reduced the risk of heart attack in half and reduced the risk of stroke by almost half, compared with those who ate the least chocolate. But Buijsse cautioned that eating chocolate should not increase the total intake of calories or reduce the consumption of other healthy foods.
The researchers believe that flavanols from cocoa is the reason why chocolate is good for blood pressure and heart health of people. And because dark chocolate has more cocoa the chocolate has a greater influence.
Kunjungan Perdana di Blog 2 nya Mbak Dwi apa gimana ni Mbak Dwi ..?
ReplyDeleteKeren dan cantik juga deh blog nya boleh deh follow lagi kalau di khobulkan :)
hiii boleh dong ;) monggo di follow :D
Deletesama, saya juga gak ngerti :D
ReplyDeleteBeli pertamax juga ah... :D
ReplyDeletebtw rumahnya ganti cat baru ya mbak :D, agak kurang menger nih bahasanya, saya tanya mbah google dulu ya :D
kamus mana kamus,,,,,,
ReplyDeletemw cokelatnya juga saya mb
hehee beli dong ka :D
DeleteBaru sadar mbk kalau blog baru :D
ReplyDeletehehee iya blog baru ;) alexa ranknya masih 15jt :(
Deleteharus makan coklat selalu.. :D
ReplyDeletetapi jangan terlalu sering jga kak, tar sakit gigi :D
DeleteCoklat bikin sehat hehe
ReplyDeletebener banget ;)
Deletei'am very2 like chocolate ,hihi laziz
ReplyDeleteklo suka coklat, artinya sehat dong :D hee
Deletetapi kantongnya lama2 gak sehat mbak Dwi Alfina ... hehehehe
Deletejadi sangat bagus yah mbak kalau makan coklat agar tidak terkena stroke dan jantung, besok saya mau beli coklat ah...
ReplyDeletebener, saya sendiri baru tau :D
DeleteGanti template lagi nih :D coklat memang banyak manfaatnya
ReplyDeleteini blog baru ;) bukan ganti template :D hehee
Deletewah ternyata coklat bisa menurunkan tekanan darah dan menguragi risiko stroke dan serangan jantung, kayaknya ini baik buat orang dengan usia yang rentan penyakit2 tersebut, termasuk saya barangkali ..
ReplyDeletekandungan coklat itu ada sifat kolesterolnya tidak ya
ReplyDeletebe follower 13, sukses
ReplyDeleteI love chocolate Dwi...It makes me happy!!!!
ReplyDeletebikin otak pecah kalo gak ada google translatenya, wkwkwkwkwkw
ReplyDeleteKunjungan perdana ke blog baru mba dwi :D
ReplyDeletecoklat ini emang enak tp terlalu banyak bisa cakit gigi hehehe... :)
ReplyDeletePerlu buka google translate dulu....he.he.
ReplyDeleteBersyukur aja masih dapet premium dan solar wkwkwk........
ReplyDeleteSaya punya cokelat nie tinggal atu lagi, ada yang mau gak? :D
ReplyDeleteThat's why I love chocolate!
ini komentar yg ke berapa yah??? cuman absen di sini...sampil putar otak bwt terjemahan bahasanya :) salam blogger !!
ReplyDeletei love eating chocolate :)
ReplyDeleteyah jadi kepengen coklat mba ngiler nih :D
ReplyDeleteterpaksa ke mbah GG translate nih coklat wow enak nih mau dong Hmmm Nyamnyam