2 Ways To Thick Hair Natural - Health Tips

Thursday, December 19, 2013

2 Ways To Thick Hair Natural

2 Ways To Thick Hair Natural

1. By using tea Water

How to nourish hair so dense, fast hitamdan length, usually used in areas of the township. The results after I try to be fairly effective and easy on your wallet mengheman course. How to use it as follows. First brewed tea powder with hot water in a cup, then let stand simpat water that you have brewed tea in the open at night until morning. When you wake up, wash your hair with tea water that you have set aside for one night. note : Water storage tea should not be deterred by anything. Do it every day in order to get optimal results.

2. By using aloe vera

Aloe vera is the purpose here is not a real aloe, but aloe vera plant ya bro :). I use it as follows, you Poton one piece of aloe vera in the garden, wash them clean, and then split into two parts. After that, apply aloe vera liquid on the hair to your scalp. After 10-15 minutes you flush a used aloe vera liquids contained in your head until clean. Note : Use the tips above before the afternoon showers, do regularly.

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  1. Ini cara menebalkan rambut secara alami yah mbak, dua-duanya belum pernah saya coba, makasih infonya sangat bermanfaat :)

  2. walah saya malah gak mudeng dengan bahasa linggis mbak, jadi cuma bisa senyum senyum aja, tanpa tau arti nya

  3. rambut cantik orangnya ikut cantik ya sist :D

    1. bener ka, bagi wanita rambut itu udh jadi mahkota ;)

  4. Namun saya tidak bisa memiliki rambut cantik dan banjang seperti itu........


  5. Saya waktu kecil suka pake Aloe mbak ... ibu saya yng remes2 rambut saya h ... :)

  6. jadi curcol nih :D hihii

    klo saya sampe sekarang pake aloe ;)

  7. Cobbaaa ahh :D Mau gondrong dulu mumpung masuk hari libur sekolah :D

  8. waduhh....!! cuma bisa nyengir nih kalau sudah di hadapkan dengan postingan bahasa inggris mbak.. hehehehe.. oke deh saya suport saja ya mbak...?

  9. rambut tebal dan panjang itu memang banyak di sukai wanita yaa mbak dwi
    tapi saya pria bisa ga pake cara ini buat tebal'in rambut mbak ?

  10. kalau rambutnya sudah tebal, berarti nggak perlu pakai yang diatas tuh ya..:D

    *sok ngerti saya..hehe

  11. keramas sdaja tiap hari biar indah rambutnya

  12. terima kasih atas perkongsian ini :)

  13. share dong menghilankan ketombe :) thanks mbak.

  14. Haloo mba, saya berkunjung... Wahhh bahasa english ya. Bagus2, sekalian saya belajar english english di mari,,, Saya pernah tuh coba pakai aloe vera, memang bikin rambut lembutttt...

    Aku follow ya...
