5 Health Benefits Of Potatoes - Health Tips

Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Health Benefits Of Potatoes

1. Potato maintain digestive health is a diet rich in fiber and can be equated with bread wheat. With such a high fiber content is Kantang useful for maintaining digestive health, and potatoes are also commonly used to change their eating rice for those who diet.

2. Curing Stress Potatoes contain vitamin B6 which is very beneficial for stress relief that comes from the fruit of the mind. Potatoes can make adrenal hormones that can respond to stress, and eventually make the body become more relaxed and gives the feeling that calms the mind and body. This is the benefit of potatoes to banish stress.

5 Health Benefits Of Potatoes

3. Reducing Cholesterol Levels Potatoes do not contain a lot of calories as well as rice . Even potatoes can give full effect in the stomach with a longer term so that you do not easily hungry. In addition, potatoes can help you to reduce cholesterol levels.

4. Not only to beautify the skin in the body, the benefits of potatoes also can be used to whiten skin. This shows not only beneficial potatoes for medicinal purposes. The content of potassium, and vitamin C in potatoes is suitable for skin care, such as oily and acne prone. For oily skin, apply grated potato on the face until blended, leave for half an hour. Clean with clean cold water. For acne sufferers, thinly sliced ​​potatoes, stick to the entire face. Let the potatoes until it becomes dry and gray colored.

5. Good for people with kidney stones Potatoes are rich in magnesium which can resist the accumulation or deposition of calcium in the kidneys and other tissues so that the potatoes proved to be very useful for treating kidney stones. The doctors also suggested to the kidney stone patients to involve their potatoes at every meal.Now that he benefits of potatoes for human health. May be useful.

source : http://www.jurirakyat.com/2013/09/5-manfaat-kentang-bagi-kesehatan.html 

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  1. Replies
    1. gak ngeri kok selama ada google translate :D

  2. Keren juga ya mbak ...btw kunjungan perdana mbak

    1. terimakasih gan kunjungannya

    2. OK sama2 mbakk ..jgn bosan2 brkunjung ke blog sy ya mbk .hehe

  3. wow, amazing. :)
    ternyata kentang yang aku makan saat di sayur sop, begitu banyak manfaatnya.
    makin banyak makan sayur sop deh.

    1. lanjutkan kang :) vegetarian itu sehat :D

  4. Bentuknya loop ya mba, sungguh hebat kuasa ilahi robbi :D

    1. itu gambarnya aku ambil dari google, entah benar atau hanya rekayasa sotosop :)

  5. potato kok bentuknya kaya daun waru gitu ya sist, hehehe :)

    1. itu photato diluar negri sana mbk indri..
      wah ketinggalan jaman mbk indri ini hehehe

    2. daun waru itu apa yak kak? baru denger? apa saya yang kudet???

  6. cie tumben make bhs.inggris artikelnya :D

    ~ Blogwalking Andrekocak Blog ~

  7. Wah ternyata banyak juga ya manfaat dari kentang

  8. emang banyak ya manfaatnya. saya juga sering beli stik kentang, Tapi sering di campur juga sama abang-abang penjualnya dengan singkong :)

    1. wkwkk tenang aja singkong juga banyak manfaatnya :D

  9. potatao sumber karbohidrat. baik juga dikonsumsi untuk penderita hyperglicemia

  10. terimakasih gan, dapet ilmu baru dari kentang hehe

  11. Mantab mba' Dwi, enak banget ni kentang sepertinya, apalagi kalo di goreng trus dibumbuin pedas mba' :)

  12. itu bentuk kentangnya unik bgt, kok bisa sih?

  13. cas cis cus dalam bahasa Inggris..minta bantuan om google dulu dech,
    salam dari Banjarbaru

  14. Kebetulan saya nggak ngerti bahasa Inggris ya kentang saja yg saya simak kebetulan doyan kentang...

  15. Giveaway di blogku blm tutup Dwi...
    ketahuan nih gak dibaca semua ya postingannya?

    1. iya saya hanya baca persyaratanya aja, sama traffic blog :)

      yang saya lihat tadi "02 Februari 2014" saya kita 2 januari :D

  16. Kentang itu bisa dibikin apa aja loh...
