How to whiten your skin naturally? - Health Tips

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to whiten your skin naturally?

How to whiten your skin naturally? - To whiten the skin there are a lot of way ranging from how to whiten skin naturally whiten skin, or take medications that are usually sold at a high price but take it easy this time I give tips whiten skin naturally and without drugs so it is very safe for the skin to stay healthy please Skin Whitening Tips refer :

How to whiten your skin naturally?MILK
The milk can be used for showering , bathing milk itself is already well-known and potent since ancient times , the queen Cleopatra was also wearing milk to preserve the beauty and health of skin. If the milk bath is too complicated for you , you can still wear other way is to pour some milk on a cloth washers face kemuadian use the cloth to gently rub the face. The way to eliminate dead skin cells covering the face is also beneficial to get a face that looks bright . 

Of egg white useful as a skin fasteners, as well as a lemon that supposedly believed to brighten the skin. It is also very easy you just take a few drops of lemon juice and then mix the water with the egg whites and stir until the two ingredients are mixed and used as a mask. Wait a few until the mask is dry, then wipe your face and rinse with cold water. To get the most done in this way on a regular basis. 
 Yoghurt useful as a material to keep moisture from the skin. The way you can just use yoghurt for facial mask and then added with a little honey , then let stand for about 10min and rinse your face thoroughly. 
 Tomatoes have a lot of vitamin C is beneficial and good for your skin health Tomatoes also can make the skin look white. The trick is to take a tomato and then grated, then add 2 to 3 drops of water from a squeeze of lemon and a few drops of rose water, mix the three ingredients until blended concoction was then apply to the face and neck, then wait approximately 15 minutes and then rinse clean up. 
Avocado oil can be used as an alternative material if you're too lazy to clean your face before bed . Useful avocado oil can effectively eliminate existing leftover residual makeup on the face, after that you can use as an absorbent tissue if there is still excess oils and left on the face.Well that was some way to whiten skin naturally that you can practice at home which is very cheap and effective so you do not need to spend a lot of money to get white and healthy skin

source :

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  1. nak kulit putih jangan dedah diri pada cahaya matahari...

    1. bener banget makcik :) tapi itu rasanya sulit

  2. gak ngerti saya mah euy,,,

  3. kalau yang kulit hitam apa bisa diputihkan juga yah mbak Dwi, terimakasih buat tipsnya mbak :)

  4. Yang lainnya sudah tahu, tapi saya baru tahu kalau tomat bisa untuk memutihkan kulit juga :)

    1. iyaa gan tomat juga bisa memutihkan kulit :)

  5. Tips yang indah mbak saya suka sekali nih :)
